
Melinda Firefly

Artist, Life Coach, Rock Climber

I started out in this world making art. From a young age it was clear that I had a talent for drawing and I was lucky enough to have immense support from my family in exploring and developing my skills. I had the honor of being accepted to the local arts high school, Perpich Center for Arts Education, where I was challenged in creativity, professionalism, and presentation and was able to get my art into competitive exhibits, received awards, and even won a grant for my senior project. In 2015 I started my art business and discovered that it takes a lot more than just talent to be a professional artist. All these experiences have taught me that success is about so much more than awards and accomplishments. Success is doing small things now, no matter how much or how little I’ve accomplished, that keep me moving forward toward that life’s intention… to be a successful Artist.


What started out as a hobby has turned into one of my greatest teachers. Climbing challenges me every day to be brave in the face of my fears and shows me what those fears might have held me back from accomplishing. Every time I get off the ground that voice of fear turns on in my head telling me I will probably fall so why bother trying… and guess what, I do fall. Over and over again. So, why do I bother trying? If I didn’t I would never have climbed in Yosemite, seen a swarm of butterflies flutter out of a climbing hold half way up a climb, or looked out over the Rocky Mountains from the top of a rock face in awe of the beauty of the world. If I stopped every time I thought I might fall I would never have gotten off the ground in the first place. Climbing isn’t about never falling. For me, it’s about learning and growth. Every time I fall, I learn how to do better next time. Every time I overcome my fear I see what I am truly capable of. The art I create out of my passion for climbing reflects the strength, courage, connection, and growth it has created in my life.


I came across Coaching when I attended the Foundations Course of The Academy For Coaching Excellence. I took the course to further my personal development and growth, and I ended up discovering my life’s path and purpose. I started my Life Coaching business, Melinda Rondano Coaching, in 2019 and have been continuing to learn and grow in this new endeavor ever since. I delight in supporting people to see who they really are, how incredible they are, and what’s really important to them, then put that knowledge to good use making meaningful change in their lives so that they can live a life they are proud of and make the contribution they are here to make. It warms my heart to be able to make a real difference in people’s lives and create positive change in the world one person at a time.